It takes a village to stop a bully

I was speaking to someone recently who described their experience of being bullied – “It’s like you’re a little mouse, and in the other corner is a raging bull!” There’s a lot of advice out there to people who are feeling bullied, they are often advised along the lines of: calmly tell the other person you object to their behaviour …

Flexible work – Why women need to Man Up!

Flexible work – Women need to Man Up! And how to do it… If you’re a woman looking for a new year’s resolution for 2017 here’s one to think about: When I recently interviewed over 30 executives to find out how they make flexible work work I was struck by the gender difference.  There are very few ways in which …

Do you give up your seat on the train?

Do you give up your seat on the train?  The lesson for inclusion… I was on a crowded train recently when an elderly woman boarded and tried to make her way towards the ‘priority seats’.  These are the seats under the sign that reads “On request these seats must be vacated for use by passengers with special needs*” On this …